A cappella Leadership

A cappella Leadership

I love listening to a Capella music.  No manufactured instruments, just a chorus of human voices blending to make a joyous symphony of sound.  Clever engineering, remixes, or lip syncing have little or no place in this genre. It is simply people who have practiced diligently to master their talents working seamlessly with others who have done the same. WOW!

What if we lived our lives the same way? No hiding behind clever instrumentation, elaborate system engineering, crafty remixes, or simply repeating the clever words of others. Instead, we begin to practice diligently and repeatedly to hit the right notes. We go over the same song time and time again until our part is perfected. Just our part, no other part, with no distractions. Then we seek out and surround ourselves with those who have practiced another part of the same song to the same level of God-called perfection. Can you imagine the symphony of joyous success that would be at our command? Can you imagine the audience we would draw?  Can you imagine the message we would be able to clearly communicate?

My challenge to those of you wanting to your most abundant life is simple.  Humble yourself to your Creator in thanks for your talents and gifts.  Practice those talents and gifts daily as an act of worship to the Giver of those talents and gifts.  Look to surround yourself with those who share your God given song but have perfected different notes.  Finally, and this is the fun part, lift your combined voices in a majestic display of teamwork.  Will there be mistakes? Maybe. Will there be critics? Probably. Will there be the sense of “Hey, we did it!” ? I can guarantee it.

Lose yourself in the music of the Life today. God Bless.

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