The Gospel of Football

The Gospel of Football

“I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn’t be our style. Pain heals, chicks dig scars, glory… last forever.” Keanu Reeves as Shane Falco in Replacements (2000).

This may be one of the greatest movie quotes of all times for sports fans everywhere.  What could be more exciting than watching the exhausted underdogs, the beaten down and forgotten rejects, the unworthy replacements stand inches from glory facing the mighty adversary who represents all that is wrong with the world?  A group of brothers desperately waiting for someone to step up and lead them to everlasting glory.

I have been in that huddle. I have felt exhaustion, rejection, unworthiness, and defeat. All I could see were the adversaries between me and my goal. All I wanted was for someone to lead me…

How strange that a line from a movie preaches the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ so well.

  • Pain Heals:  Isaiah 53:5
  • Chicks (and Dudes) dig scars: 1 Peter 2:24
  • Glory Last Forever: Hebrews 5:9

I have to be reminded sometimes that I am not the true leader of my life.  I am but a part in the Body of Christ. Jesus could tell me about pain, scars, and glory because He has been there for me already.  Today let me encourage you to know that you have crossed the goal line. You have victory. You have glory that last forever.

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