

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.–Isaiah 9:6

I do not think of myself as having much to offer on most days.  I typically feel like a failure and wonder why anyone puts up with me.  The voices in my head are loud and negative.  I start most days with tears streaming down my face as I stand in the shower wondering why I am still stuck with my misery.   I am awash in my own little sea of pity.  I see darkness where there is light.  I see doom where there is promise.  Life is hard when your mind is not wired right.

Yet, God is good.  I begin each day gazing on a beautiful wife and child who embody “grace.”  Where I see bad, they see greatness.  Where I see failure, they see opportunity.  Where I see anguish, they see exuberance.  They see God in His Greatness where I see man in his weakness.  I have a thorn in my flesh which they bind and care for daily.

I can only offer a few thoughts to you.  I will be honest with you about my struggles.  I will cling to the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace for my security.  I will devote more thoughts based on my worth as an adopted heir of the Creator of the Universe than based on my failures by the world’s standards.

Lastly, I will love you as my friends.  I will cling to the moments you give my words.  I will appreciate the gift of your time and your support.  This year I will live the big life through Christ who strengthens me.

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