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Category: Faith



I am amazed every day I come home and my wife is still there. I have felt that way for our whole married life. She puts up with my radical mood swings, my need to control every detail, and my incessant need to always be right and get the last word. She is the most amazing person I know. Her friendship means the world to me. I have come to the radical conclusion that her memory is really short. It…

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Time to Breathe

Time to Breathe

I have been very candid about my struggles with anxiety and depression. So candid in fact, that I fear I make some uncomfortable with my discourse. Those struggles have taken me away from my writing these last three years. My hope in sharing now, however, is that maybe one person would hear it and be forever changed for the better before the damage is too much or too permanent to overcome. Please understand, I don’t see myself as someone who…

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For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.–Isaiah 9:6 I do not think of myself as having much to offer on most days.  I typically feel like a failure and wonder why anyone puts up with me.  The voices in my head are loud and negative.  I start most days with tears…

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Lessons from the Front Porch

Lessons from the Front Porch

Can I paint a picture for you?  It is early in the morning when the dew hangs on the flowers and leaves.  The sun is just beginning to wake God’s creations.  A man sits alone in his front porch swing.  He is gently swaying in the cool of the day sometimes humming an old tune.  The chains of the swing are making a rhythmic tapping as he pushes himself back and forth.  In his lap is a book, tattered, worn,…

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