

I am amazed every day I come home and my wife is still there. I have felt that way for our whole married life. She puts up with my radical mood swings, my need to control every detail, and my incessant need to always be right and get the last word. She is the most amazing person I know. Her friendship means the world to me.

I have come to the radical conclusion that her memory is really short. It has to be. How else do you explain the fact she doesn’t seem to keep any record of wrongs I have made? I am sure I would not be nearly as generous with my grace.

Many folks, myself included, make an attempt to read through the Bible. Funny thing is, some of the most important words are right up front. Today, especially, I am struck by God’s graceful use of “In the beginning.” Talk about living in the moment. God started with a clean slate and gave mankind the chance to enjoy the fruits of His labor. Sadly, sin took that clean slate and mucked it up just as I manage to muck up much of my time with my gracious wife.

Jesus came to give us the open door to grace. Those who recognize him as their Savior know a gracious God who keeps our wrongs as far as the east is from the west. Every moment is an “In the Beginning” moment.  Claim that moment today.

From my heart to yours,


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