So Close

So Close

Walk with me to the top of Mt. Nebo.  Do you see the figure just ahead of us?  That is Moses.  You remember him don’t you?  He was once a prince of Egypt.  He had all the world at his disposal, but he chose his heritage over his worldly inheritance.  He chose his rage over his rational mind.  He gave it all up to become who he was from birth, a nomad, a shepherd.

But, he came back to us.  As an old man, he took on Pharaoh and the slave owners.  He took on those who dared to wish for the known over the promised.  He was in the presence of God.  He was hidden by the hand that created the universe in the cleft of the rock.  He glowed with God’s grace.  Do you remember him now?

Today he stands and gazes on what was promised.  He will never set foot on what he so desperately sought.   All who knew him as a younger man have passed away.  Aaron and Hur who lifted him in battle have already passed.  Some would tell us that Moses was punished for his sin.  Some would say he was denied his greatest wish, his promise.  I want you to look closely at this old man leaning on the staff handed to him by God.  Do you see the smile?  He has fulfilled his journey.

On this day, try to see the joy of Moses on the mountain.  His joy was in walking with God.  God thought so much of Moses that he personally buried him away from the hands of man.  My prayer is that you and I would live and lead as Moses lived and led.  May our joy be in the presence of God not the promised land of man’s reward.

Peace to you.

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