A Point Guard on the Ark

A Point Guard on the Ark

May I be open and honest with you?  I wanted my child, my daughter, to be more athletic than I was growing up.  I love sports so much and never had the ability or work ethic to match my passion.  So, in a moment of confession, let me just admit that I prayed hard for a left-handed point guard, and God heard my prayer.  She’s good.  Not just “Daddy thinks she’s good,” but crowd goes “ooh” and “ahh” good. But there was a season where, for the first time ever, she did not start. It was a humbling learning experience for her and me.  How do you explain to a young natural leader that they must be still and follow a plan as a part of a team?

As with most things, the answer is Biblical.  In Genesis 6-9 you find the story of Noah and the flood.  In that story, I found the answers to share with my daughter to help ease the pain of growing as an athlete and for me to grow as a parent.

  • God told Noah to take 7 pairs of each clean animal.  We must surround ourselves with an abundance of positive people.  People who encourage and affirm.  People who can contribute to our future.
  • God told Noah to take one pair of each unclean animal.  Negative folks are a fact of creation.  However, we can limit their influence in our lives.  Put them in the back of the ark.
  • Floods come and sometimes they last a long time.  We must be patient in the ark.  We must know that God has a plan and a timeline that is perfect.  A plan to protect us from harm.  Even if it means riding the pine.

My family learned in that season, when the ark of opportunity does open, we should “go hard,” give God the glory, and receive the blessings He has in store for us.

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