Lessons from the Front Porch

Lessons from the Front Porch

Can I paint a picture for you?  It is early in the morning when the dew hangs on the flowers and leaves.  The sun is just beginning to wake God’s creations.  A man sits alone in his front porch swing.  He is gently swaying in the cool of the day sometimes humming an old tune.  The chains of the swing are making a rhythmic tapping as he pushes himself back and forth.  In his lap is a book, tattered, worn, and well read.  In his mind are thoughts of his family, his health, his dreams.  Standing and watching is a small boy wondering why his daddy always finds his way to that spot.

I learned many lessons on that front porch.  I learned to sing songs and laugh.  I learned to check for wasp nest under the swing.  I learned to be still and listen for the sound of approaching cars.  Oh the joy of knowing what all your neighbor’s cars sounded like.  I also learned some valuable life lessons on that porch

  • Hummingbirds sometimes go backwards to move ahead.  Changing course is allowed and expected in God’s creation.
  • A cat will only move if the movement serves a purpose.  God rewards purposeful work.
  • A still and silent man is not an unproductive man.  God comes to us in the cool of the day to walk with us.  Time with God is never wasted.
  • People love to stop and talk to the person in the swing.  People are attracted to the calm of a rocking swing and easy conversation.  God values relationships above rules.

There was a peace on that porch in that swing.  It was a peace that comes from knowing it was holy ground, a place God came to visit a man with a book in his lap; a place a little boy knew he was loved.

In my Father’s house are many mansions.  I’m betting there’s a swing on mine. Want you sit and stay a while?

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